United Way Releases its 2020 Housing is Fundamental Report
In recognition of World Homeless Day on October 10, the United Way of Peterborough & District released its annual Housing is Fundamental report from its Stewart Street offices this morning. Jim Russell CEO was joined by report author Paul Armstrong who highlighted key findings in this 15th anniversary edition. The 24-page report highlighted the following statistics:
- Average market rent from 2005-2015 has increased 21.7%
- Average household incomes for the same period have increased 1.7%
- Average bachelor rent $785
- Average 2 bedroom rent $1104
- Vacancy rate 2.6%
- 8490 households with an annual income of $30,000.00
- To afford a two-bedroom apartment an annual salary of $44,160 is needed
Citing from the report Armstrong states, “rising shelter costs consume greater portions of household income and insidiously households forgo more life essentials to stay housed.”
This point was echoed by Joelle Favreau, Manager of Nourish Peterborough, and active member of the Basic Income Peterborough Network (BIPN) when reacting to the report emphasized, “a basic income is essential in ensuring health, safe housing and an ability to thrive.”
Referencing the COVID-19 pandemic Russell effused, “while this virus is unprecedented, it is critical that our response and recovery is equally unprecedented. More critical still, we need a recovery for all. We need conviction that housing is a human right. We need to embolden policy and investment in safe affordable housing for all citizens.”
For more information, please contact:
Jim Russell, CEO
United Way Peterborough & District
T: 705-742-8839
E: jrussell@uwpeterborough.ca
For the full report visit www.uwpeterborough.ca or this link: https://www.uwpeterborough.ca/how-we-help/housing-is-fundamental/