Leave a Legacy

Where there is a will, there is a way. When you keep giving by donating to the United Way’s fund, it shows how much you care about helping your local community. Planning to leave a legacy gift means you understand the issues we face now and want to keep helping in the future. Your legacy gift to the United Way continues to make a difference even after you’re gone, making sure your kindness helps people in our community for a long time.

Making a bequest in your will is one of the easiest ways you can establish your legacy. You can leave a fixed amount of money, a particular asset or a portion of your estate.

How do I name United Way Peterborough & District in my will?

When naming a charity such as United Way in your will as a beneficiary, your estate will benefit from the charitable tax receipt offsetting taxes due. A bequest is the most common type of planned gift. It is up to you to decide how your gift will be used, however a general gift allows United Way to direct the monies received to the areas of greatest need.

If you would like to discuss your bequest, please contact our office to ensure your intentions are honoured: 705.742.8839.

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