United Way Peterborough is once again partnering with The Society of Saint Vincent de Paul Peterborough’s thrift store, Vinnies, for the one-day fall collection of Coats For Kids on Saturday, October 5, 2019.
“We are asking for freshly washed or new winter Coats For Kids and Adults too!”, said Stephanie Levesque, United Way Peterborough’s Labour Program & Services Development Officer, today, “And we are pleased that Vinnies is once again assisting this valuable community program.”
On October 5, volunteers will be on hand at a truck in the parking lot of the flagship Vinnies, at 799 Erskine Ave. from 9 am to 5 pm accepting the donations of clean and or new coats.
“Once again we are very happy to help out with this program that benefits the community,” said Angela Oran, Senior Manager of Vinnies. After collection the ServiceMaster Restore Peewee AE Pete’s will be on hand to sort through the donations.
This program provides much needed relief to local families as one in four children in Peterborough lives in poverty. Families continue to deal with sharply rising costs of living and simply don’t have the means to purchase clothing to stay warm during the harsh winter months.
“Every year we distributed over 1,000 coats and the need never lets up,” said Levesque.
Coats for Kids is possible due to the generous support of Peterborough residents, community organizations, and program partners.
The coats will be distributed on Saturday, October 26 from 8 am to 3 pm at Peterborough Square. United Way Peterborough also partners with Peterborough Social Services in the distribution of coats in communities in Peterborough County through the Meet Your Needs days.
For more information, contact Stephanie Levesque at 705-742-8839 X32 or by email at slevesque@uwpeterborough.ca