Peterborough Represented at National Poverty Summit

poverty to Possibility

CEO Jim Russell announced United Way will be part of a 6-person contingent attending the national Poverty Reduction Summit in Ottawa next week. The collaborative is being funded by the City and Peterborough Poverty Reduction Network.

“It’s important to understand poverty is an issue for all of us and we need to work cross-sectorially,” says Russell. “Across the country in all communities there is an acute awareness of those that have and those that don’t and there is a deep desire to find a remedy. We are thrilled to be collaborating with the City of Peterborough, Peterborough Poverty Reduction Network, and Peterborough Social Planning Council to develop some high impact strategies to reduce poverty in our community,” Russell added.

The Poverty Reduction Summit: Every City, Province and Territory Working Together hosted by the Tamarack Institute for Community Engagement is an unprecedented gathering bringing together senior leaders from across the country and beyond to align their efforts and merge their passion for poverty reduction. The objective of The Summit is to strengthen communication and increase the alignment of activities to achieve our common goal by amplifying the success of each community, province and territory’s poverty reduction strategy. The Summit will motivate collective action leading to poverty reduction for 1 million Canadians.

“This collaboration is a great example of United Way’s strategic focus on poverty and the United Way Movement’s focus across the country to focus on Poverty to Possibility,” says Russell. “The only true solution is people of good conscience and good hearts coming together with a steely-eyed focus to end poverty,” Russell added.

The Summit will highlight what’s working in poverty reduction activities, celebrate strong community examples and provincial/territorial strategies, along with outlining what each holds in common so that we can clearly see the point of alignment that already exists. For more information on the Summit, visit

Media Coverage

Local contingent attending unique national poverty reduction summit next week, The Peterborough Examiner – May 1, 2015

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