Investing for Impact: the unignorable reality

Maria Gomez is inherently aware of the extraordinary challenges of raising a family on a single household income.  It brings meaning to the expression, “balancing on a tightrope.” According to Peterborough Public Health, poverty is sitting too comfortably at 12.6 percent in the city centre, and 9.1 percent in the county and area. Most notably, women and youth experience poverty at a higher proportion.

When you take in to consideration that Statistic Canada has identified the low income measurement in 2013 for a two adult family with two children residing in a rural community sits at $41, 866, it really shines a blaring light on the fact that still many equivalent households in Peterborough are well below the line at just over $35,000.

It is for this reason that I feel compelled to invest time and effort in a charity that has proven to support those truly in need in our community.

The United Way is THE charity that makes important matters #unignorable

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